The following proof (given by Oresme in about 1360), very elementary but important, can be found in many current higher mathematical books written in all kinds of languages.

1+1/2 +1/3+1/4+...+1/n +...                                   (1)

=1+1/2 +(1/3+1/4 )+(1/5+1/6+1/7+1/8)+...     (2)

>1+ 1/2 +( 1/4+1/4 )+(1/8+1/8+1/8+1/8)+...             (3)

=1+ 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + ...------>infinity                            (4)

Each operation in this proof is really unassailable within present science theory system. But, it is right with present modern limit theory and technology applied in this proof that we meet a “strict mathematical proven” modern version of Ancient Zeno’s Achilles--Turtle Race Paradox[1-3]: the “brackets-placing rule" decided by limit theory in this proof corresponds to Achilles in Zeno’s Paradox and the infinite items in Harmonic Series corresponds to those steps of the tortoise in the Paradox. So, not matter how fast Achilles can run and how long the distance Achilles has run in “Achilles--Turtle Race”, there would be infinite Turtle steps awaiting for Achilles to chase and endless distance for him to cover, so it is of cause impossible for Achilles to catch up with the Turtle; while in this acknowledged modern divergent proof of Harmonic Series, not matter how big the number will be gained by the “brackets-placing rule" (such as Un’ >100000000000000000) and how many items in Harmonic Series are consumed in the number getting process by the “brackets-placing rule", there will still be infinite Un--->0 items in Harmonic Series awaiting for the “brackets-placing rule" to produce infinite items each bigger than any positive constants, so people can really produce infinite items each bigger than 1/2, or 100, or 1000000, or 100000000000000000,… from Harmonic Series and change Harmonic Series into an infinite series with items each bigger than any positive constants (such as 100000000000000000), “strictly proving” that Harmonic Series is divergent. In so doing, the conclusion of “infinite numbers each bigger than any positive constants” can be produced from the Un--->0 items in Harmonic Series by brackets-placing rule and Harmonic Series is divergent" has been confirmed as a truth and a unimpeachable basic theory in our science (mathematics) while “the statement of Achilles will never catch up with the Turtle in the race” in Ancient Zeno’s Achilles--Turtle Race Paradox has been confirmed as a “strict mathematical proven” truth and a unimpeachable theorem------it would be Great Zeno’s Theorem but not Suspended Zeno’s Paradox! ?

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