If we compare the situation, say in Physics, which was 100 years ago and at present --- there is no doubts, we lost the rate of development of this science.

What is the reason? Why somebody from another topics at the RG presented as the greatest invention of last time the Internet ? --- although a computer with the Internet is nothing else like a compound of telephone, TV, typewriter and adding machine, and the invention each of the component has much greater importance that the idea to unite them in one machine. Why last decades we do not observe great scientists and great discoveries? Can be a reason that the governments of the leading countries of the world (not speaking about others) do not support properly scientists? Can be a reason that to be scientist now means much less influence and more low status than before? For the proof of the Riemann hypothesis the US institute promises award in 1 million of dollars. The most average Hollywood actor earns more per year, not to mention not the best footballers. Why scientific discoveries are not so valuable at present?

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