This morning, I found a couple of paragraphs in a book I had published a year ago which made me wonder if the EmDrive, EM Drive or radio frequency (RF) resonant cavity thruster should be renamed the Possible Engine. I don't know if these are more deep thoughts or if it's just my subconscious telling me I have a secret crush on Supergirl 📷 but here are those 2 paragraphs -

"British engineer Roger Shawyer proposed the EmDrive, EM Drive or radio frequency (RF) resonant cavity thruster in 1999 and it's claimed to use patented microwave technology which converts electrical energy into thrust by amplification of the microwaves creating pressure which drives the vehicle's front forwards. Light is one form of electromagnetism – microwaves are another (so they also obey James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic laws and their solution for both retarded and advanced components of the waves).* So some of the microwaves are advanced, and travelling back in time.^  To this action, there is - agreeing with Isaac Newton's 3rd law of motion - an equal and opposing reaction i.e. a thrust forward in time. Since space can never be regarded separately from time, an object in space is affected and the forward thrust in time could power a spacecraft through the void via the EM Drive.

* Gravitational waves must also have advanced and retarded portions. Einstein's equations say gravitational fields carry enough information about electromagnetism to allow Maxwell's equations to be restated in terms of these gravitational fields. This was discovered by the mathematical physicist George Yuri Rainich. [George Yuri Rainich, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 27, 106 - Rainich, G. Y. (1925)]

^ The attached "Topological Propulsion Through Space-time" should explain how advanced waves are indeed possible.

"What are the consequences if gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles,** and if gravitational waves can travel back in time? Then the equal and opposite reaction providing the forward thrust in time could not only "power a spacecraft through the void", but it could power anything with gravitational waves in its composition. This includes giving controlled flight to Superman and Supergirl, without any jetpacks - acting in a manner similar to the proposed method of EmDrive, superbeings would be powered through the air."

** The section about vector-tensor-scalar geometry in "Topological Propulsion ..." explains the relation between gravitational fields and elementary particles.

"Out of Time - Predicting the Science of Future Centuries and Millennia (Edition 2)", 19 October 2021, Page 1-93

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