Hi! I am struggling with the analysis of my data and could use some help.. I am looking at the effect of castration on the development of social behaviour in gorillas. I have observed 11 males, of which 4 are castrated and 7 intact. I have observed them for four years and for every male thus four data points: 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. I would like to compare the development over the years of castrated and intact males, but also take into the account the possible effect of age and zoo (as the males live in different zoos).

So far I figured I would do a repeated measures ANOVA, using the following code:

lme_aggression = lme(Aggression ~ Group + Age + Zoo, data=aggressionlong, random = ~1|Focal)



I really do not know that much of statistics, so I am wondering if this is correct?

If it is, the next problem is that the assumption of normality of residuals cannot be met for a lot of behaviours and using the Friedman test as an alternative for the ANOVA is not working in R...

I appreciate your help!!

Thank you.

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