I'm asking this question just because currently I have learned R basics, dplyr, data.table, ggplot2, ggvis and machine learning packages such as caret, e1071 package for classification and nnet and neuralnet packages. The problem I faced with R is mainly related to deep learning.

Even though currently deep learning R comparable packages are available but they are not properly optimized for R. Such as H2o has great compatibility with R and has great feed forward deep learning support but it still lacks in convolution networks. Currently keras and mxnet has also provided deep learning supports but still it lacks many aspects of scikit-learn and tensorflow features. Though tensorflow support has been provided in the starting of 2017 for R still the syntaxes are quite fuzzy and pythonic with respect to R code structures.

In the context of deep learning, is there any scope available for R programming or still just to learn deep learning I have to learn python? Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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