Grad student with a "simple" problem.
Im aiming to test the neuroprotective effects of a compound series against a neuroblastoma cell line, against a know neurotoxin. The general goal is to use a 24 well plate, and test cell viability via MTT.
Im running into a concern with confounding variables, and restricted space. is there an easy way to normalize my results across several plates?
cells + MTT
cells + neurotoxin + MTT (negative control)
cells + test compound + MTT
neurotoxin + MTT
test compound + MTT
this leaves 2 trial runs for varying concentration of test compound, which is rather limited.
It would be easier to do my controls on a separate plate, and my experiment w/ a cells+MTT control on a separate plate, and then normalize the data.
Any suggestions? 24 well plate was picked because of differentiation stipulations that need to be addressed before exposures