I want to conduct a survey on the external motivational factors for the adoption of sound Hospital Waste Management. The nursing staff form the respondents. I want to be able to conduct EFA on the responses to identify the groups/factors under which the variables/statement would lie. The scale to measure the responses consists of YES/NO in the beginning followed by the strength of this response in the form of a Likert scale. Its something like:-
1. Govt Regulations should be followed for HWM Yes/No VL L M H VH
here VL= very low L=low M= medium H=high VH=very high
My questions are
a. Is this approach correct?
b. How should I assign scores to the responses for EFA?
The way I see it there would be five unique scores each for a combination of Yes/No and the corresponding strength. So should I use the following scores?
Yes/VL =1; Yes/L=2; Yes/M=3; Yes/H=4; Yes/VH=5; No/VL=6; No/L=7;.......
I know it sounds complicated. Your feedback might help me approach my research in a better way