12 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Syed Mustafa Ali
I am assuming that Ecoinvent has embodied emissions only for fossil fuels (say diesel or natural gas). if this is true, how do we model emissions from combustion in the absence of primary data?
12 February 2023 1,577 0 View
Hi, I have Carbon emissions data for 20 years for different regions in a country. I want to test the hypothesis that the emissions are statistically different for the regions. Here I want to use...
11 November 2020 739 3 View
Hi, I need emission factors (CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, PM 10, N2O, CH4) in grams/MJ for electricity consumption in India and Pakistan. I would also appreciate if you could guide me regarding emission...
21 July 2017 4,615 3 View
Hi, I need data regarding average yearly topsoil loss in India and Pakistan for the period between 2000-2010. I also need data regarding the percentage soil organic matter (not just carbon...
21 July 2017 3,589 4 View
Hi, I need statistics regarding annual average wind speeds (preferably at 50 meters height) in India and Pakistan for the period between years 2000 and 2010. I would appreciate if you could kindly...
21 July 2017 5,919 8 View
I'm conducting LCA for hospital waste. The issue is that usually incinerators intake wastes from many establishments hence it is hard to find the exact utility consumption for a particular...
13 January 2016 5,853 0 View
Hi,I'm trying to conduct LCA for hospital waste in Pakistan using OpenLCA software and Ecoinvent 3.1 database. I have a couple of questions 1. Since data for Pakistan is non existent, Should I use...
25 December 2015 9,903 7 View
I conducted a survey and subjected the responses to EFA-CFA cross validation. I also want to check the results for common method bias. I can use the single factor method using SPSS or common...
14 August 2015 6,697 5 View
Hi, I want to use some categorical variables in DEA using DEAP software. I want to know if we can use binary data in DEAP. If not, is there any procedure in R or any other software that may help...
11 May 2015 2,098 9 View
I conducted AHP using 3 pairwise comparisons. Unfortunately the CR comes out as 0.302. A balanced scale using principal eigen vectors also results in a CR of 0.22. Is there any way to be able to...
31 March 2015 3,355 5 View
I want to conduct a survey on the external motivational factors for the adoption of sound Hospital Waste Management. The nursing staff form the respondents. I want to be able to conduct EFA on the...
30 December 2014 4,609 2 View
I have conducted a survey on hospital waste management and now I want to evaluate the responses. I used AHP to receive the judgments of the respondents. However, I don't know how to add the...
16 November 2014 3,315 10 View