How to examine kinetic modelling, thermodynamic and equilibrium calculations in a degradation/absorption or solubility study using response surface methodology (RSM)? Which RSM models are suitable for this?
In kinetic and isotherm issues, the decision in the adsorption process is affected by the data fitting issues. Although you are using the nonlinear forms ( which are more precise than the linear forms), you will still have some errors relating to this issue. In RSM, which is based on statistical models, that developed relationships between the different parameters to build a model that is capable to navigate the design space with a degree of uncertainties (fitting errors, predicting errors, etc.). The uncertainties in the RSM results may affect the judgment on the adsorption process and the total uncertainty will be increased (Total uncertinity= uncertainty based on kinetic fitting data + uncertainty based on RSM). As a summary, If you can build a model with R2=1 ( no RSM uncertainty), then yes you can. Otherwise, no you cant.
Thanks for your kind response. As you mentioned, RSM uses statistical models to develop relationships between independent variables. What is questioned here is whether RSM can be applied to kinetic calculations by taking these margins of error into account. If applicable, which model is more convenient and is there a practical way to do this?