Ecological Engineering is a new baby of Ecosystem Ecology, its principles and their applications are not very different from conceptual ideas and practical applications of Restoration Ecology. However, it is very true that, once severely degraded ecosystem, can not be replaced, or can not be converted in ditto as of the original state.

We can replace or convert a degraded ecosystem into a full functional or up to in–full productive form, but can not be possible to achieve its original shape as it was. Therefore, spirit of my question has posed me to know any possibility for recovering severely degraded or unproductive ecosystem via ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING discipline whose time has come!!

Based on literature, about 50 % of the total geographical areas of the earth is existing in several format of degradation (anthropogenic, as well as natural calamities). For example India is one of those countries, having a significant size of unproductive/ degraded lands. Moreover, natural calamities like flooding, tsunami and huge human population are also challenging.

If concepts, ideas and practical applications of Ecological Engineering being true, we can reshape and redesign our natural unproductive/degraded ecosystems into most desirable ones.

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