That is what I thought...So considering that during around 6 months a person has trained both aerobic and anaerobic, it would be quite impossible to decrease his beat rate by 20...right?
I think that this decrease in the heart rate dependent of the intensity and duration of the exercises, besides the individual factor can be considerate. I think the low anaerobic associated with vigorous aerobic exercises is a good option.
In my opinion, it is not possible to modulate baseline heart rate in such magnitude, because although exercise is able to regulate autonomic system, "vagal tone" necessary to reach this rate is not performed in 6 months.
Aerobic exercise is only for muscle building and weight loss. Because of non-stop body movement nature of aerobic exercise, it won't send blood to internal organs as most people think for centuries, unless you do 30 sets in one day, or you have to walk to many places everyday. The following start-stop interval training possible can lower your heart rate somewhat in a few months time. Of course, this is not as efficient as a 30-min set of taichi (only the very slow form) or a 30 to 60-min set of yoga stretching (only the no-movement type). For the normal speed taichi or the yoga with flow movements, you must do 30 sets.
Let me know the results.
Article The 30-Time Start-Stop Interval Training For Internal Organs...
Remember that HR is modulated by vagal activity and respiration. A constant regime of controlled respiration at a given frequency , performed constantly, and in particular if performed at the frequency resoanace , gives important results in general if cardiac failure are not present. The problem is to verify if the reduction in HR is linked to an increase in variability of heart rhythm . As you know parasympatetic modulation not only induces a decrease in HR but in particular a variability of R-R intervals that is the basic parameter (The Variability) to verify if the whole cardiovascular system is correctly running . May I sugegst to visit our site and downlaod the ne method and the free softwares for estimation of HRV ? It will give important results if you will attempt to use it.
Pao, Thanks, but find your sentence "Aerobic exercise is only for muscle building and weight loss" incorrect. Aerobic barely builds muscle. Its anaerobic the kind of exercise that properly builds muscle.
Dear Yago, probably you can decrease hearty rate by respiration exercises, yoga, meditation. Anyway, I would suggest some self-consciousness approach in order to reduce the anxiety, nervous stress, and similars. I'm not kidding at all!
It will depends on age, clinical status, and initial physical capacity. A resting HR of 80 bpm is quite high and to drop it 20 bpm in only six months may be quite difficult, but not impossible. If we are talking about an young man/women this HR seems to be from a sedentary person, so it will take some time to improve exercise volume and intensity so to increase aerobic capacity and the expected increase in autonomic control of the heart or alterations in the pacemaker, another possible explanation for HR reductions after exercise training. But why HR reduction as the principal aim? Usually it reflects many other factors the may be modified or not with exercise, dependeing on mode, volume and intensity.
6 months is really too short even to change all the bad habits of a person since birth. Perhaps, you can explore one very risky thing - to modify the brain by powerful meditation. When I studied the effect of taichi on microcirculations in internal organs, I found that taichi healing (improvement of microcirculations) can happen simply by slowing down the movements until my brain thinks that I am not moving. There was no involvement of meditation and Qi or Ying/Yang kind of stuff. So, why many taichi masters followed Taoist teachings and learned the meditation type of Qigong (different from Qigong stretching exercises)? After much reading and logic deductions, I’ve concluded that this type of Qigong is to modify one’s brain cells to possess supernatural powers, e.g. raising body temperature, generating static charge or some other wave forms that they call it Qi (similar to electric eels), turning the brain into a large reception dish to see or hear things from other brains, or having illusions & vivid dreams (like seeing ghosts or out-of-body experience), etc. It is likely that they modify the brain by moving a microwave hot spot and do some soldering by trial and error, without any circuit diagram. After each attempt, a permanent damage will be made and cannot be undone. After many attempts, a brain tumor or many tumors may be found. If you are successful...and still sane, some of these supernatural powers have healing functions because they can raise heart rates (see attachment below). As I said, this is risky, and possibly deadly. I don’t know if you can find some brain surgeons to attest to it.
Article A Brief Introduction to "Taichi Healing & Pao's Law of Exerc...
Simple humming/chanting (that is not too loud and not too long i.e. doesn't make the person breathless) could influence the reduction in heart rate. This is not as simple as it sounds, however, leveraging the concept of biofeedback (RSA) and focusing on longer exhalation can help. I am exploring this at the moment and the consistency is lacking - mostly due to the training or breath management as we chant. I will update as we find more insights however sharing some early insights. Moreover, during chanting (due to the "effort" involved) in some subjects, the HR goes up, however, it often reduces after the humming/chanting is completed. (Note: there is a tendency here for subjects to chant loud or do a long chanting - that invariably increases HR so the key is to optimize it for each person and reach a balance, just like coherent breathing). (though invariably, the duration of the breath during chanting is a bit longer as compared to coherent breathing). I know this is not an answer with specific statistical data however, sharing some early findings. Would love to get some ideas/builds/questions/challenges here.
Intrinsic HR reduction would take time, 6 months seems too aggressive and the answer is in the consistency and diligence (of the practice)
تحتاج عملية التكيف لاغلب الاعضاء الداخلية نتيجة التعرض للجهود البدنية سواء كانت الاوكسجينية واللااوكسجينية الى مدة طويلة نسبيا من الزمن حتى وان كان هذا المجهودعالي الكثافة وعلى العموم التدريبات الاوكسجينية هي ذات فائدة اكثر لتكيف عضلة القلب بالخصوص فيما يتعلق بحجم حجرات القلب لذا من الممكن انخفاض نبضات القلب الى مستوى 10 نبضات او اقل خلال هذه المدة للرياضيين الناشئين والشباب على اعتبار انهم في طور النمو المورفولوجي اما الرياضيين المتقدمين في العمر فمن وجهة نظري يعد ذلك من المستحيل خلال تلك المدة على العموم لايمكن ذلك لانه يحتاج الى مدة اطول