04 September 2014 5 4K Report

This question is very specific to the hardware I'm using. Suggestions are welcome:

I have a pcduino that I want to control a robot with. This means controlling the robot's wheels from commands sent from the algorithm running on pcduino, via motor shields. This is easy with an Arduino+Adafruit motor shield configuration since the motor shield is designed to work with Arduino; there are no hardware issues.

When I try to use the same motor shield with pcduino, the pcduino cannot send commands to the motor shields as (I guess) the chipsets in pcduino and arduino are different. pcduino uses an Allwinner A10 while arduino has the Atmega xxxx chip. Therefore the motor shield does not respond to these commands and errors popup in the Arduino IDE when I try to upload the sketch to pcduino.

Is it possible to make this work without resorting to designing and building a prototype circuit on my own (I'm not EE).

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