In one of Louis de Broglie's early papers ("Sur le parallélisme entre la dynamique et du point matériel et l’optique géométrique." – J. de Physique. Série VI. 1926. 7. Р. 1.) he proves that the behaviour of what we now call "de Broglie waves" in the hydrogen-like atom (with a nucleus charge +Ze) is as if the atom behaved like a refracting sphere with the effective spherically-symmetric refractive index n(ν, r) given by the following formula:

n(ν,r) = √{(1+Ze2/hνr)2 - (mec2/hν)2}

Here me is the electron's mass, ν is the wave's frequency, r is the distance from the nucleus and h is obviously Planck's constant.

Also, very curiously, he comments in passing that such an object (which de Broglie calls "refracting sphere of Bohr's atom") manifests "the qualities of mirage/illusion".

Now, my question is: can we actually build such a sphere, so that the light rays refracted therein would behave in the same way as de Broglie's waves behave inside the atom? If we could do this, then this would serve as a very nice "toy illustration" of the wave mechanics of an atom.

The problem is: are there any known materials (crystals etc) that would have such specific dispersion law? Not necessarily with the same numerical values of the parameters, but at least having the same shape of dependence on the frequency and radial distance.

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