Medical students are crowded with clinical sciences and clinical skills and perhaps far away from research tools and skills. Is it necessary to introduce bioinformatics in undergraduate courses?
Indeed. Bioinformatics is not only a combination of bio and IT, but it is an emerging field which includes understanding of biotech lab protocols, bio-statistics, algorithms, tools and software development, webserver based prediction, machine learning, ANN, SVM and many more.
Let me explain importance of bioinformatics with simple example. When we talk about clinical or biomedical sciences, we need a lot of information from published literature and we have to perform manual screening for all the literature but if student is clear about what exactly he need, s/he may write their own shell/PERL script or web crawler. Moreover, available data in hospitals or other online resources can be trained in such a way so that accurate prediction can be done.
In my opinion there is a wide gap between the researches in molecular biology conducted by medical shool graduate and this is may be attribued to lack of exposure to bioinformatics tools in undergraduate studies. Therfore I recommend to train medical students in bioinformatics during thier undergrduate courses.