Cerium oxide was added into distilled water and tried to reduce using Sodium borohydride no observation was in result. What is the best solvent for the oxides to dissolve.
Are you able to give more information on exactly what you are trying to accomplish? What oxidation state do you want? What are you going to do with the reduced cerium species?
I was trying to make cerium nano particles using cerium oxide and sodium borohydride as a reducing agent. No observation was there as i add the reducing agent into the cerium oxide solution which was made in distilled water. i.e cerium oxide is insoluble in water
The task you are trying to perform is not a simple one due to the very low reduction potential of cerium metal. We had a similar situation trying to reduce another metal with a low reduction potential to form an alloy. After several attempts increasing NaBH4 ratio, we only obtained a low amount. Searching in literature we found that with an adequate precursor and solvent, bubbling H2 at medium temperature, that metal was finally reduced. I agree with Dr. Mingxi Chen.