I totally agree with you Mr Shachin, because it's obvious for every body to try to publish his precious works in a recognized jornals, then he moves to the international conferences as a second step, this still my point of view.
IEEE, ACM, Springer etc all are brands. Yes they have very good reputation in research field but any of journal which has no impact factor or poor impact factor either it belongs to any one of them, does not consider good work. So, if you have a good work then try to publish it in any journal which have good impact factor. Conference proceedings do not have any impact factor at all.
The impact factor is highly dependent on the academic discipline, possibly on the speed with which papers get cited in a field. The percentage of total citations occurring in the first two years after publication varies highly among disciplines from 1–3% in the mathematical and physical sciences to 5–8% in the biological sciences. Thus impact factors cannot be used to compare journals across disciplines.
In otherwise, some of High level conferences which are sponsored technically by IEEE/CSC, or others, they offer the possibility to publish special issues of papers in a top journals like IEEE transactions, Springer verl, Elsevier...etc. However those papers were hardly selected by a specialist reviewers, that's mean they worth to take places amongst the traditional submited papers in those top journals, as an example my colleague's paper has been published in a top jornal (Elsevier) through an IEEE conference held in Turkey in 2012.
IEEE conferences which publish their proceedings in IEEExlporer has good impact factor @6.3 which you can find on its site also. And many times it is also considered for your research work, specially in India.
In many countries, having several conferences indexed in IEEE xplorer is not enough to get his PHD, but a single publication in a journal even with a small impact factor is sufficient.
instead of publishing your original work in newly started journal which does not have any impact factor its better to publish your through IEEE conference which may be available in IEEE digital Explore.
since IEEE conferences are available in IEEE Explorer many researchers have access to your work and it increases the chance of citation to your research work
In my opinion, the work presented in IEEE conferences, will be accessed by many research workers and that will have a chance of citation to your contribution.
Sachin, I wouldn't want to start with a yes as the answer to your question.
However, the academic engagements of publishing in a Journal (authentic not bogus journal) are higher/better than that of a conference. In journal, papers are sent out for peer review, and the time frame of submission to publication depends on the reviewers and editors availability (it sometimes takes up to a year),but in a conference, the Editor(s) and reviewers (if their is any) have to make their comments ASAP in order to meet the target of the conference organizing committee. I think in some cases, novices like myself make submissions to conference because of the easier review process and quick decision. In a nutshell, publishing in Journal is far better than in conference. Even during academic promotions, the points accorded to journal papers are more than that of conference.
Conference papers that get nominated for publication in Journal are selected based on standard and the novelty of the papers.
If you are new in research area according to my opinion better you start publishing your work at reputed conferences like IEEE, then think of reputed journals and i do agree with Marko that quality of work does matter. Journal publications as well as conference proceedings are many times considered and cited by various researchers. So better Start first.
It is better to publish your research paper in a journal from a reputed publisher even if the journal is new. In conference proceedings complete work is not reported and wide converage is not gaurenteed.
Beginners in the research field may start with presenting their work in reputed conferences. Through interaction with peers and experts will help in improving the quality of their work and will boost their confidence.
After this they will be more confident in submitting and reviewing process of publication in a reputed journal.
I would like to ask you people that if I am planning to do my PhD in 2016. Should I publish my paper in IEEE INDICON 2015 conference or IJAER journal (Research India Publication) with having 0.16 impact factor. Which one will be best for me.
Siddharth Bhat, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) is not ISI indexed journal. It is indexed in SCOPUS only. How did you get the 0.16 impact factor?
Mahar A.A. Abdelsamie , Sir I checked it on SCOPUS.com. There the SNIP was showing 0.16. Actually my paper is accepted for International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) and for this conference http://www.indicon2015.in/ .
I really want to go for PhD degree next year. So which one will be better for me.
@Siddharth Bhat. (Just my personal opinion) I would personally say, it is best to trust the publisher. Yes, publishing a conference paper is easier than a journal paper, but a conference paper in reputed publishers such as IEEE/Springer and Elsevier is anyday better than a journal publication in a not-so-reputed journal.
In my opinion it is safe and good to publish reearch papers in a reputed journal even if the impact factor is low. Today conferences at the national and international level are very common and hosted by even by nstitutions / organisations of no standing and the quality of papers submitted are also of low standard..
Nowadays people looking for research paper in ISI/SCOPUS journals for promotion due to its quality rather than articles in conferences. To publish in ISI/SCOPUS is harder than conference proceeding and will take longer time, probably a year or more than one year.
Nowadays people looking for research paper in ISI/SCOPUS journals for promotion due to its quality rather than articles in conferences. To publish in ISI/SCOPUS is harder than conference proceeding and will take longer time, probably a year or more than one year.
In my view publishing your work in any scopus/ISI/Thomson Returs Indexed journals is better and apart from these.. IEEE Explore/Spriger/Elsevier/IET conferences are better...
Publishing in a journal is much better. But some conference papers are indexed in impact factor journals (Selected papers). One should also look for special call for publications on particular topics announced by some journals.
Sure publishing in a research journal of repute, with high impact factor, double-blind, peer-reviewed, refereed, high citation, etc. For example, to begin with, Index Copernicus Value, Google Scholar, Emerald, Citeseer, Thompson Reuters, etc are good.
Most of the conferences are junk - not addressing proper topic and select high number of papers. So, my advice is to publish in a Journal with little impact factor is desirable.
I think it really depends, such as, which conferences you are talking about, or which society you are in.
Some societies care more about conferences than journals (which are slower due to many rounds of peer review) NIPS, CVPR, ICCV, MobiCom, those conferences are top flagship level and you can check how high the RG scores of them, which are crazy high. The acceptance rate of these conferences is really really low.
On the other hand, in IEEE SSCS society, ISSCC is the flagship conference and held annually, famous companies such as INTEL, AMD, QUALCOMM, publish their state-of-the-art designs at it.
Publication of an article in SCI/SCOPUS/ESCI journal is better. But in some list, i agree with Prof. Yiming Huo that if you apply for high flagship conference somewhere held in abroad in your specific area with great researchers in your field, then it is good.
The status and value of an research article will be always high when we publish papers in journals rather than in conferences. Rather the acceptance rate of conference papers are easiest compared to journals.
I personally recommen researchers, if you think your paper is standard one, then please don’t waste it in conference. Try publishing it in journals. Or else try publishing in conference with IEEE publisher.
your research quality will be showcased when you publish your article in ISI journals with H1 index.
ISI always keeping its pace in research article society, then comes Scopus and then only their sub- category like IEEE, AIAA etc..... but any ways these journals also have the scopus credit and some even have ISI too.
In my opinion, we cannot provide a straight answer to this question.
It depends on whether you are going to submit your research in a high quality ISI journal or a low quality one. Also, the same hypothesis can be applied to highly respected IEEE conferences like ISSCC, CICC, ISCAS, ... or a low range conference.
Most of the high quality conferences in IEEE will publish their top papers in high level journals which proves that such conferences are even higher than a low quality ISI journal.
In addition, the quality of the research is also important.
General aim of Publishing research paper in conference or journal is sharing the one's research findings to that of other researchers (or in some cases benefiting the end users). If the quality of research findings are sufficient/mature, Paper need to be submitted to some relevant journal., otherwise it must be submitted to some relevant conference. In conference one can get suggestions/comments both from reviewers and audience during presentation, with which one can further enhance the quality of ongoing research.
Until and unless, it is IEEE conference like IEDM, it is always better to try publishing in an SCI indexed journal or IEEE or IET journals first. Journals in general, have higher value than most of the conferences. However, it is also good to attend few reputed IEEE conferences of your area, abroad. In general, if your journals papers are more than conference papers, then it may make better impression in your CV.
You need to know the best conference ad journals in your area of research. Many of the sites provide option to search for best journal based on your abstract. My recommendation will be start with conferences and then convert your work into journal papers. You need to repeat this cycle for every new area of research you take up in your career. Wish you all the best for your research.
To my experience, it actually depends on the work rater than it being so much your choice. If you have a very novel idea, with clear contributions and deep analysis then a journal or letter is the way to go, otherwise you submitting to top tier conferences can be a rewarding experience with insightful feedback. But the key is...please don't publish for publication's sake ;)