02 February 2018 4 10K Report

Collective intelligence enables the accumulation of knowledge, culture, science and technology and, in stable political physical and economic environments, improves economic well-being. So is collective intelligence all good? Science magazine this week reviewed Steven Pinker’s new book, Enlightenment Now, which might relate to these issues. On the other hand, suppose the collective capacity of society to reduce the predilection of some individuals for vanity, deceit, power, self-aggrandizement, and violence, even if this is a shrinking minority suppose, is not as effective or great as society’s ability to improve stuff and economic well-being. Then the dangers that advanced technologies pose to human beings and other species might not be as controllable as we suppose. It would take fewer and fewer of the violent minority to cause more and more damage. So it may be that while collective intelligence creates enormous benefits, it multiplies dangers. What do you think?

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