Happiness is one of the concepts that are linked to complacency and comfort. The human soul finds the calm and peace of mind that people resort to from the exuberant externalities of the outside world, full of wars and conflicts. Happiness is a concept that can not be seen and touched but appears on the individual living within its surroundings.
Happiness is a feeling of joy, accompanied by complacency, with which the individual feels reassured, and happiness is fulfilled by satisfying the needs. When a person suffers from his or her needs, whether primary or secondary, his feelings are less satisfied, as much as he feels the need.
من وجهة نظري المتواضعة ان السعادة حالة معنوية والدليل على ذلك هناك الكثير من الاغنياء المرضى لايستطيعون شراء سعادة التمتع بنعمة العافية . هل نستطيع ان نهب من نحب السعادة اذا كان يعاني من الامراض المستعصية بالطبع لا ، لان الشعور بالسعادة ينبع من اعماق الروح البشرية رزقنا الله وآياكم السعادة الابدية
Happiness is quality of the soul . neonates feel happy when comfortable. Animals feel happy and satisfied when desires are fulfilled. Ultimate of happiness is blissful stage and it is the only word not having opposite word similar to unhappiness
والمال احدى هذه الوسائل التي تجلب السعادة من خلال الترفيه وسد الحاجات الاساسية وعدم العوز وهناك اسباب ووسائل اخرى ممكن ان نسميها اسباب او سائل معنوية .. على شكل اشخاص او ذكريات او نجاح او طموح او حب او صحة او .......الخ
2. Efficient balance of mind with human body secures happiness of person
3. Elevated intelligence with person always secure lesser happiness and isolation from social system
4. Philosophy always strengthen state of mind for happiness in human life with respect to intellectuals
5. Any individual willing to quote happiness or peace of mind may be in painful working system and a signal of migration of region with respect to quest of 'Truth' of life
"Life reiterate person to equitable and sustainable milestone"
Happiness is a state of mind, therefore it is definitely more moral than physical. As a person who is truly happy, is well in contriol of his life and emotions. Materialistic benefits ( Physical) are not longlasting, but spiritual happiness lives forever.
السعاده الانسان الحقيقيه هي راحة البال تتظمن سعادة الروح وترتبط بسعادة النفس الانسانيه. اما السعادة المؤقته او الغير الحقيقيه تتظمن سعاده امتلاك المال والمادة الزائله .
Humans are known to experience psychosomatic phenomena. Thus if someone is fulfilled emotionally (perhaps doing a good moral act or having accomplished something in life) the psyche feels happy which in turn is translated to the soma (Greek word meaning body) - the body being happy in terms of sensations - a physical state.
Aristotle defined happiness as a gift from God and divided it into five dimensions: physical health, access to wealth, good management and investment, achievement of practical goals and successes, good faith and faith, good reputation and good faith among people.
Dr. Saeed I say it is interlinked and state of our mind. If you are happy physically you are in a healthy status that gives moral strength automatically and you are more energetic.
If you are happy the whole world appears happy. Suppose if you are sad you feel distressed and everything looks gloomy.
A good answer to Dr. Amani and Dr. Farouk that happiness affects a person's physical health positively and also helps in the elimination of many diseases and certainly not achieved with money only. Thank you to Prof. Dr. Moayad, Dr. Mohamed, Dr. Salah, Dr. Osama and all of Dr
Happiness is a multi-factorial elusive emotion influenced by endogenic factors (biological, cognitive, personality and ethical sub-factors) and exogenic factors (behavioral, social, cultural, economical, geographical, life events and aesthetics sub-factors).
If we know that the place of moral happiness is the heart and its source of mental strength, we realize that moral happiness is achieved only in connection with the soul-blower and the sociable spirit of tranquility.