09 September 2018 2 5K Report

I've recently received multiple emails from Elsevier asking me to remove the public version of my research articles from ResearchGate, quoting" Following numerous unsuccessful attempts to agree an approach with ResearchGate to facilitate the sharing of articles in ways that respect the publishing agreements between journals and authors, in accordance with the STM Association’s Voluntary Principles for Article Sharing on Scholarly Collaboration Networks, ResearchGate has requested that publishers issue take down notices (TDNs) for articles which it should not be hosting."

I then received email from ResearchGate with similar contents with a warning at the end, quoting "otherwise, my account will be permanently locked."

Now my questions are:

(1) I have substantial research articles published by Elsevier. Am I supposed to removed all of them from ResearchGate?

(2) Why is Elsevier the only publisher with such demand? I have many papers published by various publishers and yet non of them have requested me to take my papers down.

(3) Has any member on ResearchGate received similar emails?

Thank you so much and I am looking forward to having a constructive discussion here.

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