I was observed 4 plants such as jackfruit, mango, guava and black berry in Bangladesh & the the dieback disease found in those plants. What do you think about this disease?
Dieback , dying from back or upside to down , so called name dieback is as old as grwoing of fruit crops. There are numbe rof reasons for such dieback. Many claim , this is not a researchable issue , its more of a management issue. And , most of the times, dieback is site specific in nature...
Some activities such as regular irrigation, potassium fertilizer, little pruning and etc managements can improve this disease. It was seen in other fruit trees as like citrus and pistica.
Yes, I had to see how the fruit trees (apple trees) dried up. Moreover, one young tree with fruits already began to dry out and died. But from what disease I do not know. Something in the root system is likely. But the branches also get sick.