This is even more important than ever ! Web and desktop technologies are powerful tools and media. But they don't implement cartographic rules ( ).
Everybody can make a google maps mash-up and It's easier than ever to create poor maps ! That is why mastering "traditional cartographic skills" is crucial !
Definitely! 'Static' paper or 'dynamic' bits and bytes are both just the media for transferring cartographic information from a model to the user. In that sense, the content is (largely) identical and the cartographic rules that hold for conventional map making also hold for web-based services and desktop mapping.
This is even more important than ever ! Web and desktop technologies are powerful tools and media. But they don't implement cartographic rules ( ).
Everybody can make a google maps mash-up and It's easier than ever to create poor maps ! That is why mastering "traditional cartographic skills" is crucial !
A multidisciplinary field-mapping approach and the refinement of representation tecnique for structural maps performed on crystalline basement in the last years has been useful to undersatnd interactions between strain localisation, lithostratigraphic setting, metamorphic reactions at different structural levels in convergent and divergent geodynamic scenario. In this new light modern geological maps, synthesising field and laboratory data, become a key instrument not only for understanding the tectonic processes at the regional scale, but also a monitoring tool over the mechanisms provided by the theoretical models.
Article A critical assessment of the tectono-thermal memory of rocks...
The refinement of 3D modelling of a rich field-laboratory data set (synthesised on a geological map) can also induce a reflection on the heterogeneity of rocks memory and then on the possibility to reconstruct the earlier tectonic evolution of ancient polycyclic metamorphic terrains.
Chapter Three-dimensional evaluation of fabric evolution and metamor...
In general relevant or not relevant should be framed to some extent with respect to the final product of a digital mapping system. For example, if the final product is a paper map, yes the classical cartographic principles are very relevant. On the other hand, if the final product is a digital map such as Google Map, new dimensions should be considered during the design process of the map. For example, the rendering speed of the map over the internet, the quality of on-the fly map generalization, and many others.