You can find the estimations of polarizabilities for 6s and 6p states in Ba+ here (page 300):
Of course it is. The Stark broadening parameters for this line can be found in B. Duan, M. A. Bari, Z. Q. Wu, J. Yan, and Y. M. Li, Astron. Astrophys. 555, p. A144 (2013)
Yes it is the transition 6s-6p. And besides the quantum calculation of Duan, B. et al. (A&A 2013, 555A, page 144, and see the link of Alexander Kramida:, other semi classical results for this transition are in this reference since 1997 (A&A Supl. Series (1997), vol 122, page 163): and the totality of the semi classical results for Ba I and Ba II are here:
There is no good answer without additional data. The line broadening parameters are as follows:
- Doppler, depending on the _doppler_ temperature of the _heavy_ particles (this 1eV you give can be LTE temperature which gives the doppler of heavy particles or not - it can be electronic temperature)
- Stark, which depends on both temperature (very weakly for non-hydrogenic lines) and electron density
- last but normally far not least, linewidth of your spectrometer/optical system (I've forgotten the proper English name for that - apparatus broadening?).
The Stark data you already know where to get, the rest you have to check or estimate.