Thank you all for the prompt answer. I had hoped to be able to thank you individually but apparently not so I shall do so collectively.
I had excluded crinoids because there were no obvious segments along the stalk.
I was busily trying to find it among the earlier phylum. I did not consider going to the hemichordata or chordata phyla like ascidians. I checked the stolodiobranch asciidians but their stalks are far too short. The only long stalked ones that I have been able to find are Pyura pachyderamtina.
So were these specimens swept across the ditch westward to Tassie? I'll ask the person who found them more details about the conditions that prevailed immediately before finding them.
Thank you for your responses it has saved me a great deal of worry trying to track down the phylum. But not only that you are giving me possible species. Awesome.
Hi Kees, definitely is a Pyura (not sure the species). You can take a look in Brewin's monographs of New Zealand ascidia fauna. There you can find descriptions of the species.