I think reusing wastewater for irrigating the vegetables is not an easy topic and mainly constrained by the WHO standards for the BoD, and FC (mainly). the wastewater characteristics are also key issue for designing the wastewater treatment system.
I personally, worked on low cost treatment facility for treating wastewater and reuse the effluent in the irrigastion.
The use of treated effluents for vegetable cultivation is a very complex issue and depends basically on 4 parameters that the designer must play with: The type of crops to be cultivated, the irrigation technique, the treatment process and how you avoid exposure of humans with protection equipments, clothes etc. So in this case your question and also the answer can vary a lot since depending on how you play with these 4 variables, you need to have a very high efficiency for the treatment purpose, or not.
Thanks for your suggestions. In our case it will be vegetables like Brinjal, Chillies, Okra , bitter gourd etc and irrigation is under drip and exposure to humans will be bare minimum. Waste water is domestic bathroom and kitchen waste water. I hope now it is clear. What I am looking for is the kit for treating the wastewater .