A citation pattern, and the whole numerological approach to a professional assessment of any given researcher, and groups of twenty to forty "co-authors", is still a "pandora box" of modern science. Just recently a paper recalled (for the reasons of data falsification) was nevertheless given a high score for numerous citations obtained. Last year, a paper received 400 citations, even if it was immediately negatively evaluated in another scientific journal by the specialists in the field, who did not hesitate to make such a statement: "...few conclusions can be drawn about the pulmonary toxicity of cellulose nanocrystals given the study design: examination of a single high dose of cellulose nanocrystals, administered as a bolus, without positive or negative controls or low dose comparisons, and at an unphysiological and high dose rate. Simulating the bolus type delivery by inhalation would require a highly unrealistic exposure concentration in the g/m³ range of extremely short duratiSaveon. A discussion of these limitations is missing in the paper; further speculative comparisons of cellulose nanocrystals toxicity to asbestos and carbon nanotubes in the abstract are both unwarranted and can be misleading, these materials were neither mentioned in the manuscript nor evaluated in the study".

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