Dear all,

This forum has been created to provide a scientific environment in Researchgate for all of those who are interested in doing research on the context of RPL in Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Through this forum, the members could discuss about their previous RPL related studies and introduce them to others, and also to share their latest discoveries, papers, and probable ideas and more importantly to provide their experience to the newly students who want to spend time on studying the existing challenges in RPL. The students who have decided to work on this topic can join this forum and ask their questions and also to get others' opinion on their current work. There exist different types of challenges for publishing a paper from getting the raw idea, and its implementation via off-the-shelf simulation tools, to submitting the final manuscript. Here in this forum, the members will try to solve these challenges as much as possible and also try to answer the questions and help each other to enhance the observability of the existing studies. Further more, members can inform others about the up coming conferences, events, and journal special issues to further provide a comfort zone for those who are attracted to this field of study.

I hope this forum will make the research on this field more interesting and easily.

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