hello everyone could anyone knows intrenship programm on AFM and STM ? I can use only 2 modes of it, if is there any commertial intrenship programm I wanted to take in part it
Usually, the AFM's system service team makes trainings. I have MultiMode, using 6 modes usually (CM, LFM, MFM, PI, TM, FM) and it fulfills all needs of all. Another (Kelvin, QNM, C-AFM, my own - Topography in perpendicular magnetic field, etc) may be used by my client/user after few hours of training made by me.
There is a lot of modes, which can be understandable only for materials scientists - PeekForce QNM - no, this is not Young Modulus measurement :)
At the first, You have to know what You want to measure or observe.
So, if I were You I rather would ask the AFM's service team for training. On papers/conferences/elaborates/vendors sits you can find more fiction than science. If You will ask service for training - make order that YOUR samples will be observed, not the test ones.
Few years ago there was https://nanosam.pl/stmafm2022/spm.html but it is only theoretical.