May I know the upcoming international conferences/symposiums happening in USA in the field of Lifescience/ Nutraceuticals / Biotechnology/Computer aided drug discovery
How far is the next comming period for you? The recently ended international conference on Légumes genetics and genomic (ICLGG2019) which held on the 13-17th May in Dijon, France will be taking place in 2021 in the USA as decided in the meeting. More details will be comunicated.
You could choose some journal that you are interested, then go to the homepage, you will find some useful information, or just search for the last year published articles(article type is meeting), then you could deduce the meeting time this year.
Hi! Shefin Basheera , got it. Below is the link to a conference I came across, though in Malaysia not USA as per your request but you may be interested. I may come back if I come accross any other one in USA.