I keep receiving e-mails from a "Dr. A Lesnevskyi M.D." from a so-called Internal Medicine Review journal. The journal has now several issues dating back March 2016. I checked the doi (digital object identifier) of some articles and most of them are not registered in Crossref. However, I was really surprised that a couple of articles were in Crossref. It is written in the website that they are indexed in Pubmed (National Library of Medicine (PubMed) ID: 101691967), but I was not able to find a single article there. Their ISSN numbers are fake, I was not able to find them in the ISSN portal (https://portal.issn.org/). A two story building at 712 H St NE Washington DC 20002 is the location of Gold Spot, a payday loan and check cashing business. The website uses the same fake address.

A little piece of advice if you are thinking in sending a polite reply that you are not interested: It is not a good idea to reply to any predatory publisher, even if it is to decline their offer or ask them to stop emailing you. They can then sell your email contact as a verified address to other publishers. Always block or mark as junk.

I wonder if all these "papers" published there are actual studies or fabricated texts only to embellish the website and attract more researchers willing to pay for a publication, with fees ranging from US$ 799 to US$ 2,999. For me this is clearly a predatory, fraudulent, fake journal.

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