Due to current situation (all over world) of CORONA it is very necessary to keep safe distance but academic activities are also important. Suggest innovative ways to help students (by distance learning) in such situation.
My kids are doing online school now. The school is using Zoom for discussion and Schoology for additional exercises and quizzes. Those apps were helpful in effectively implementing the lessons.
Some recommendations, by an inspiring Australian teacher I knew about online, for the transition to remote teaching:
Do not reproduce the typical classroom day. Divide the day into a few blocks, starting with 15 to 20 minutes of a live video conference. After that, alternate between structured time and self-directed time by students.
Create many times without a screen. Remember the screen is proven to be harmful to health and impairs language development and that many children have difficult access to the Internet and share devices with their family. Provide time for children to read, complete tasks off the screen, and play.
Build a coherent online school. Build gradually a set of common protocols for the whole school that everyone can understand (teachers, students, parents and staff). The coherence can be built around the learning management platform, if there is one. The more coherent the school's action, the easier it will be for parents who have several children in the same school.
Believe that nothing is impossible. Do not inhibit yourself from “thinking outside the box” and trying solutions that have never been tried, such as dividing the students into small debate rooms, challenging students to help more difficult colleagues online or by phone, or creating small groups for students who need extra help on specific topics.
Go slowly. It is impossible to teach at the pace of classroom teaching. When videoconferencing and home study are no longer new, there will be a drop in enthusiasm. As in a guerrilla war, it is necessary to advance, retreat, regroup, advance again. Try to renew, every single day, the enthusiasm of the school, the students and the parents.
Distance learning is the best way to teach every students but the main problems is some village students are not understand so first think is understand every students for distance learning through social media news channel and all possible activities do for education,
Las actividades académicas en la educación superior, especialmente aquellas IES de carácter presencial, tienen un gran reto en estos tiempos de pandemia. Sin embargo, por antonomasia, la educación, en cualquier a de los niveles, siempre ha sido una actividad maleable donde ha imperado la habilidad y creatividad de los profesores, maestros, docentes que la han desarrollado. La educación como otras actividades vitales del ser humano tiene un hilo conductor transversal, que es la comunicación. Afortunadamente para la raza humana los medios, soportes y mecanismos para comunicarnos se han desarrollado desde finales del siglo XX. POr ello considero como comunicólogo y docente universitario, que la solución está en utilizar todas las herramientas posibles, app, programas, plataformas, medios que nos permitan crear contenidos o recursos y por sobre todo que esos materiales puedan llegar a sus destinatarios (estudiantes) sincrónica o asincrónicamente para que ellos los puedan consumir para generar conocimiento.. Recuerdo en mi infancia, por ser muy enfermizo me retiraron por dos años consecutivos de la escuela, mis padres se enteraron que existía un programa estudio que se transmitía por la radio. De lunes a viernes se escuchaban las clases con un manual de las clases de cada día que nos entregaron Y los domingos había reunión para entregar las tareas. Otra alternativa puede ser la educación crossmedia o transmedia, es decir, generar contenidos, materiales o recursos, para hacerlos llegar a los estudiantes a través de cualquier tipo de medios, soportes, plataformas, apps. El objetivo es llegar al estudiantes con información clara y concisa para que exista la retroalimentación con ellos. En este momento los medios, los contenidos (recursos) son la estrategia para hacer educación.
As many Online Tools for Remote Work are already available, I would pick one and focus on how to make students engage by regular checking that they are actually following the lesson. The lecturer/Teacher could direct questions to those seem quiet in the session particularly and use some quizzes, also create some activities where they can engage with other fellow students.
I totally agree with Cesar Arturo Carbache Mora but I think it is also essential to create channels and ways of motivation for the students, since only by offering them the information and without giving guidelines for their analysis and study and incentivizing them to do them, the teaching process will not be effective and learning
During the covid 19 pandemic,the distance learning is the fundamental key to occupy the learners by using various online media systems through online assessment, sending modules and received written assignment.
As many said online platforms such as zoom, google meet, impartus. In addition to this, one could use platforms like myklassroom.com, piazza.com, and so on. Fundamentally to assess the learners, the best suitable way of testing the understanding of concepts is Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the blanks, True/False. Some platform supports these kinds of activities. The best solution is using the Moodle platform for content sharing and conducting quizzes.
Thank you all: (César Arturo Carbache Mora, Ali Jwaid, Juan Luis Cabanillas García, Babu lal Sharma, Venkatesh Kanyakumari)for your valuable contribution in this discussion.
Well-designed asynchronous discussion prompts for online course discussions might be innovative for some. I'd be happy to consult if anyone would like to know more about engaging course discussions!
In most cases, one could find solutions from "Free software foundation" (fsf). It is a good place to know about software solutions to our problem. e- proctoring systems are also available for the smooth conduct of assessment
Good resourceful link. However, some of the frameworks are not prepared for the Current scenario( like eng education online). Certainly one could follow the guidelines provided there.
Good. Able to read only the abstract. Can you share the full paper to understand and adopt if it suits to our requirements? It must be adaptable. Thanks for sharing
I think one way to help students is to change the perspective of the assessment system to assign a grade. I believe that the teacher should propose several alternatives for teaching and learning assessment.