11 November 2015 5 975 Report

Hi there,

I am just wondering whether correction for multiple testing is necessary with the indicator value IndVal by Dufrene & Legendre (1997), as well as the modified version by De Caceres et al. (2010). This correction is sometime proposed (e.g. by Legendre 2009), but not implemented in the R code of packages 'labdsv' and 'indicspecies' where the issue is at least mentioned.

As I understood, one major advantage of the IndVal over TwinSpan analysis was that is was not affected by (in this case the abundances of) other species.

This advantage of unaffectedness would be lost if correction for multiple testing would be conduncted for the IndVal, since the total number of species (hence number of tests) would then affect the possibility for a single species to gain significance with respect to its indicator value.

Any suggestions?



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