
I have collected data for a study and I have both categorical data with two groups (i.e., male and female) and categorical data with more than two groups (e.g., employed full time, employed part time, in education, not working etc.). I also have continuous data which is ratings on a Likert Scale which add up to one score. 

I want to see if the categorical variables are significantly different from each other in terms of means. I wanted to do a correlation but then I realised that it is not possible to do a correlation as there is a categorical variable. However, now I'm considering logistic regression if I'm looking at relationships. Does this sound reasonable?

Also for the mean differences test, I have come to the conclusion after some reading to do a Mann-Whitney U test if there are two groups and a Kruskal Wallis test if there are more than two groups.

Any thoughts on which test to do. My group and I have been discussing this and above are our conclusions so would be great if we could get some clarification on whether this seems like it makes sense.

Many thanks


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