I have studied a series of articles which are related to increasing memory or focus.

I am going to design a mixed drug containing various supplements including DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), Citicoline , Acetyl-l-Carnitine (ALC) , Phosphatidylserine (PS) , Vinpocetine , L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine , vitamins, minerals, nanomaterials, traditional nutrients like Bacopa Monnieri , Huperzine A , Ginkgo Biloba , so on.

I need to know, is it possible to mix all (or some) of them or not?

My main aim in this study is to increase memory by different methods such as:

Increasing Blood Brain Barrier permeability to nutrients.

Increasing cell respiration of brain mitochondria.

Improving nerve cells which are damaged in Nerve-racking events.

Improving Gut Microbiota balance connecting to the gut-brain axis.

Increasing blood pressure to brain.


I am looking for a motivated supervisor and researcher to start this project. Necessarily, I need your valuable comments about the project.

Is it a novel plan?

Is there any obstacle on the way of my proposal?

Can I start the animal trial on mice or rat?

Would be the drug useful for Alzheimer patients or other mental disorders?

Any helpful comments will be appreciated.

With Kind regards,

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