Recently I visited to an exhibition related to Waste management in Mumbai (India).
Out of 30 stalls 6 to 8 stalls were from supplier of in vessel composting.
Every one has provision in range W.R.T to daily loading capacity and claim in 24 hrs processing. the initial cost was higher than other options.
Essentially shredding + Temperature application + water removal was initial steps.
They were claiming for biological culture application for bio - conversion of substrate to compost.
The results for c/n ration was in range 6.34 to 19.13 and organic carbon content @ 44% in one test.
Few things i did not cleared from the process.
1. If the technology is so compact and processing in shortest time, why its not getting spread widely.
2. If conventional methods are taking 45-60 days, is it possible to process in 24 hrs to complete bio conversion.
3. The test parameters like NPK, OC content and C/N Ratio are enough to satisfy its quality.
The waste processing is being forced now in city, and citizens are on verge to opt the option just to rid out from situations.
Can we throw out the light on the dimensions of the technique.
Dinesh joshi.