in the early of spring in the tree If first root begin to move or part of tree above ground ?I mean in the tree initial root should be wake up or herb of plant
Roots initial growth before vegetative system in spring surly to supply water and nutrients to above ground parts of the plant in order to start growth later.
keep roots at temperature below zero can kill the roots. What kind of roots are your talking about? Ex. Model plants such as Arabidopsis roots? Root crops such as carrot roots? But I think if you put both plants roots in below zero temperature, they cannot be used as planting materials again. We store carrot tape roots in a cold room, but not freezing them, for later planting.
in arid area early of spring after opening blooms usually tempreture
go down at night and blooms will freez if we can prevent of blooming we can take care of products for examle in almond's tree .I want to know if I can keep root tempreture under zero, can I keep the tree in sleep?
First you can delay buds opening in early spring by spraying plants with growth inhibitors in late autumn.Second if you mean that you want to keep the roots dormant by reducing temperature under growth degree threshold ,the answer was yes but it should be over freezing degree.