26 February 2019 6 7K Report

In high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry such as Q-Exactive Orbitrap and Q-TOF, full scan/ddMS2 is commonly used. In this mode, a full scan is first acquired, followed by fragmentation of top N ions to get MS/MS spectra. The selection of top N ions is completed by quadrupole in this case. However, quadrupole is a low-resolution mass filter with mass error of 0.5 Da, how does the quadrupole differentiate ions with accurate mass differences smaller than 0.5 Da? For example, if two different ions with accurate m/z 319.1300 and 319.2600 are both top N ions, will the quadrupole consider them the same ion, and send them together to the collision cell for fragmentation instead of one by one in the case of 319.1300 and 419.1300? Thanks.

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