Does existing package supports all the above technologies at a time in the same program. Should we install any package in additional to the existing libraries?
Kindly suggest me any relevant material or website with this information. Thank you.
Do you want to find out how the technologies influence each other by their transmissions? In that case I am not sure if ns2 offers the functionality you seek. For coexistence the effects on the physical layer are very important, for example Bluetooth uses frequency hopping, while ZigBee uses a single frequency. In this case it is possible that both send at the same time and both packets arrive at their receivers despite a "collision"! ns2 simulations mostly deal with very simple models for the physical layer, and you might get results from the simulation that have no connection to reality. To get an impression of the results, you can look at my publication for ZigBee-to-ZigBee collisions attached.
Hope this helps!
Article On the Reception of Concurrent Transmissions in Wireless Sen...
Thank you for your answer Dr.Matthias Wilhelm. Your paper is so much helpful. I am working on the coexistence model, particularly for Home Area Networks. I feel this is important particularly for improving the monitoring techniques. I want the above model for smart grid application. I request for your kind suggestions for broadening my thoughts in this relative aspect.
Most of the NS-2 work cover 3-layers,which are transport layer,network layer, and data link layer.On another hand, physical layer technologies have little research area.So,take care of this point.