01 January 1970 1 3K Report

We are usually busy with our day to day activities. We are focused on our jobs, business, family life and holidays. We compete to get the best education and job. Nowadays everything is highly competitive and not everyone can get their dream jobs unfortuantely. Sure, having a good degree and job brings prestiege ,and satisfaction. But mostly life is unpredictable and as humans we must do the best we can to be good humans ,and value every moment. It is not always about what we want but what we need. Even when we lose jobs for a normal clerical work ,it doesn't change the fact that we need a job for a living. Without money, we can't bare our personal expenses. That same goes for other things like completing a degree, it doesn't necessarily have to be from a good institution. One can also bring opportunites for oneself if he/she is determined to put effort and passion, even it is from a normal institution.

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