During the last three decades surveying technologies such as Total Station, GPS, and Close Range Photogrammetry were used extensively in the area of the deformation measurement and monitoring. Now the question is:

How do we compare the surveying engineering technologies for deformation measurement with the other tools such as dial gauges & LVDT? Indeed, Surveying compete on several fronts such as portability, ease of use, getting more information such as 3D measurement vs. 1D in the case of the dial gauge. On the other hand, the dial gauge is more accurate in terms of the number of decimal digits. Then and once again the question is: how do we compare them in terms of accuracy, acceptance in the practice, and cost in light of other tools and technologies? Indeed, the answer to this question has some competing aspects. On the other hand, it will be more interesting if we can analyze where the division of labor will happen between the surveying technologies and the other ones as well as the complementary aspects of their mutual use

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