Can you define the responsability and it's relation to the Past, the present, and the futur or maybe also the eternity in the works of Hannah Arendt, Emmanuel Lévinas and Hans Jonas?
Dear Cecile, I love your question. However (it goes without saying) you don't have to agree with my own take. Jona's ethics is a conservative one. "We, elder people" speak about responsibility and prudence, por instance. On the contrary, "we, younger people" speak of vitality and engagement, commitment and action, for example.
Can we agree on an ethical thinking that invites us to engage with life for life's own sake?
the question of time is essential for the three author but you should articulate it to the question of the feminine see my paper levinas et le feminin since the feminine is the present in levinas but the articulated present that allows for anticipation and thus for responsibility