I have a system of coupled nonlinear equations which can be written as

dx/dt = f(Ax)

where x is a vector, A a (real-valued) matrix and f a nonlinear function (note, f_i may not be exactly the same as f_j).

This systems can be linearised around some fixed point. When I (numerically) calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the resultant Jacobian, the eigenvectors returned (using Numpy or Mathematica) are not all linearly independent. Does this have any bearing on the interpretation of the eigenvalues? For example, I find my system displays stable periodic solutions for parameter choices where my largest real parts of eigenvalues (or poles) are *almost* zero (not quite) - is this a numerical error? Or is it perhaps because my eigenvectors don't necessarily span the solution space and hence some behaviour may be undetermined?

Any literature recommendations would also be appreciated.

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