What is your opinion on the issue of ethics? Do you emphasize its importance to your students, or you believe they had a chance to get familiar with ethics at previous modes of study(primary and secondary schools).
Ethics plays a large role in shaping the social behavior of a person in all spheres of life. Compliance with ethics guarantees a person and society a conflict-free existence and the possibility of development. Especially important for a person is professional ethics. Ethics in education should be seen as professional ethics. There should be separate rules of ethics for all participants in educational relations. These rules should be formulated in codes of ethics.
Even if they have been exposed to ethics in prior years or educational settings, they still have to be exposed to applicable ethical standards and content that befit the educational cycle they are now in.
First of all, thanks for such a great and interesting question.
I modestly think that Education holds the primacy in the correct and proper transfer of Values and Moral Principles aimed at fair and ethical development of every human, all of us, inhabitants of our planet.
Ethics is one of the roots of the Great and Huge Tree so-called Moral Integrity, or simply Moral.
Ethics is fundamental to all of us: in my modest opinion, it is a kind of "Inner Judge" able to make us choose and manage the complex experiencial range offered by Life.
Thus, Ethics - in Education - might be "built" and developed by following a long-term development process based, focused and generated by and on the following scopes, as follows:
1. Educational Scope: Education - Social relationships - Socio-cultural influences and activities (school, university, teachers, friends...);
2. Environmental Scope: Family - Academic context - Social context;
3. Inner Predisposition matured over time well-combined with Genetic aspects and, at the same time, endogeneous and exogeneous influences: good examples, honesty, loyalty, trust, truth, respect towards the others >>> great life lessons learnt from parents, friends, colleagues and the external world.
Ethics in education is very important as in all other areas of life and we as educators always encourage our students to adhere to the principles of basic ethics in all areas of their lives and first of all education
Ethics plays a large role in shaping the social behavior of a person in all spheres of life. Compliance with ethics guarantees a person and society a conflict-free existence and the possibility of development. Especially important for a person is professional ethics. Ethics in education should be seen as professional ethics. There should be separate rules of ethics for all participants in educational relations. These rules should be formulated in codes of ethics.
Dear Kheepe Moremi Antonella Dimotta Shakir Tuleab Andrey Skorobogatov thank you for your efforts on presenting your stance in regards to ethics in education.
Not only for my students, for me too, we need always someone to help us remember that we are humans and ethics are important part of our lives, especially with this fast change in the world around us, some new issues are really ambiguous and confusing even in the ethical and moral level.
Ethics in education doesn't allow teachers to hold grudges and to intentionally treat students unfairly. at the same time ethics in education requires a student to respect the instructor and abide by the rules set by them. students should acquire academic integrity and responsibility as well as practice self-discipline.
Ethics in education helps regulate the education system and ensures that this practice positively contributes towards human welfare.
Family education plays a vital role in the development of literature and ethics and enhances the role of the educational family towards its children in the early stages of development, and to distinguish students a great link and a strong link in literature and ethics, you find outstanding has high ethics Adhere to them and not departed and reproach conscience if Bader from him does not satisfy the literature and morals, he feels uncomfortable and does not repeat.
The Almighty said (and you are a great creation), and the Prophet's prayers be upon him (but sent to complete the morals). The Prophet is our role model in ethics.
The poet says: but the nations morality Maqbit ::::::::::::: If their morals went
It is the highest rank of human integration, and so it is very important and greatness of the outstanding student, but is the motto and principle in everything, especially in his dealings, because the person is known only through his dealings with others, and the moral impact is evident to the outstanding help him when others seek help , And offers what is possible to clarify an issue, and strives if it does not find a solution, but participates and does his best to achieve the collective goal more than the individual, wishes that they are all distinct, does not envy and not envy and provoke confusion and noise, competing honest competition without harming others or cause Any harassment and sensations have no value and meaning, does not act Foolish actions hurt his reputation in front of students and teachers. No light and beautiful. So congratulate you excellence by your commitment to high ethics. Your morals live up and transcend.
No. It doesn't matter if they are familiar with ethics as taught in their primary or secondary school education. It needs to be revisited and taught again!
As i see it, a person's moral code dictates his/her ethical stand in many cases, however, that which is acceptable within a profession must be made clear from the get go. Many such ethical issues will stem from interpersonal relationships, conflicts and discussions, and it is only healthy to address them as they go along.
Ethical issues are also largely influenced by the time frame and situational context in which these issues arise. It needs to be addressed with the right amount of candor and flexibility, on the go.
Hey, that's my thought. You may disagree, and I'd be glad to learn from you.