Hi Everyone

I am trying to get ImageJ (FIJI) to report the number of ROIs present in the ROI manager. I do not want a measure of intensity or a list with one ROI for row in the result window. I would like something akin to the summary from analyze particles, where in one row it reports the number of analyzed objects.

Why I need this:

I am counting cell number through ImageJ with the Analyze particles function. Unfortunately, the images and tresholding are not always perfect, and sometimes I need to add missed cells with the "point" tool, with the option "Add to ROI manager" selected. This way I can add the points to the ROI manager and automatically get a label with the number next to the point.

However, I am measuring multiple cell types from a single composite stack, so it would be more streamlined for me if I could insert the "corrected" number of cells in the result window. This way I can have a look at the end of the macro routine rather than have to stop in between!

Thank you for your help



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