i have been working on fly of asilidea family i want to ask you how i can collect these insects specially from soil? and if there are more of them in places with herbaceous covering or not?
You are presumably aware of the study by Melin, in Sweden. He found over 1,000 larvae representing most of the genera and species of asilids in that country. Unfortunately he did not give much detail on field craft. I can only assume he did a huge amount of digging in likely locations. In my very limited experience, I easilly ound Leptogaster cylindrica and a Dioctria by using a trowl to dig up arassland in February but in other months have failed in the samme pot.
Thank for your information about method to collect larva from soild. In my knowledge, I also want to finding the most method to collect specimens to concordance in my studies as you do. If possible, we can discussion more by email. My email address is: [email protected].