I've seen a tutorial on peak deconvolution using OriginLab. Is it possible to get the dc deconvolution if we have two dc signals that have been overlapped?
Any thoughts or references on this method are welcome; Matlab, LabVIEW etc.
A DC signal is constant over time. Any convolution of a (true) DC signal will be constant over time as well and is therefore indistinguishable from another DC signal. This would amount to saying: "x+y=8, what are x and y ?". The reason why I mention "true" is that some signals may (incorrectly) be called DC but in reality they are a Heaviside function, i.e. a "constant" contribution starting or stopping. These can of course be separated.
Prakasam, I am also interested to know how matlab is able to do dc deconvolution for the overlapped two dc signals. Same like Gert, do provide any simple example that shows how Matlab does it.