I would focus more on the value added by the teaching and learning experience by comparing assessed performance against prior ability. Then I would say that the amount of value added will depend upon the quality of the teaching and learning experience and also how engaged the student was with the experience. The assessment also needs to be fit for purpose.
Engagement is better conceptualised as emotional rather than cognitive or behavioural in my opinion because it is both necessary and sufficient for the other forms of engagement whereas the other two forms of engagement are not sufficient for emotional engagement. For example, you can go to class but be bored and unproductive, or you can be thinking about a subject for a long time due to extrinsic motivation (such as fear of failure) but not make much progress because you have not fallen in love with the subject.
See: Fredricks, J. A., Blumenfeld, P. C. and Paris, A. H. (2004) School engagement: Potential of the concept, state of the evidence. Review of Educational Research, 74(1), pp. 59-109.
The answer to this question can not be quantified in just one of the listed items. All displayed options may be associated or even some may be excluded. Mixing your competence in a learning assessment may seem a bit of vanity. It is possible that this factor is very marked in success, but the focus should be on the student. Other variables that were not mentioned and are important: the student's need to move forward in this stage of life, the despair of being in a discipline that can not be disapproved, the need to maintain a scholarship in function of the student's curriculum, among others. The question is very good and you can prepare an article or even an academic work of monograph, dissertation or thesis. Congratulations on the possibility of favoring our comment for this question.
Salam If we want to evaluate the teaching and learning process, we need to set well defined objectives that can be accomplished through teaching and the assessment must address these objectives.The assessment (examination set) must have a pass-mark that is determined using standard setting so that it will not give a chance for too easy or too difficult set to determine the success rate . Thanks