As part of a study started in 2014, I have attempted to predict El Nino at inter-annual to decadal timescales. Owing to the high accuracy of the recent El Nino predictions, including the 2018/19 event, the upcoming 2020/21 strong El Nino prediction seems very likely. This confirms the thesis of increasing El Nino frequency. A tentative generalized forecast of the regional manifestations of this event includes widespread heatwaves in Europe, floods in Africa, South America and Asia, droughts / wild fires in Australia, USA and S.E Asia etc, coupled with the dire sociological, psychological and economic impacts of the ongoing Corona virus pandemic. Based on this bleak outlook, how prepared are nations to avoid economic collapse, widespread chaos, mass human casualties and loss of property? Are there any adaptation strategies that can be implemented at such short notice? Is it even possible for countries to adopt any measures or recommendations coming from researchers on research gate?

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