Collaborative Localization, Positioning and Navigation at ICL-GNSS 2021

(Tampere University, Tampere, Finland)

Check at the link: for details and instructions for the submission.

Taking into account the continuing COVID-19 situation, the 2021 event is organized as a virtual event.

Submission deadlines

  • IEEE-copyrighted papers: March 5, 2021 (extended)

Location-based services exploited through connected smart devices and vehicles (e.g. smartphones, wearable, smart mobility), alongside with modern applications such as Intelligent Transportation Systems, service robotics or precision agriculture, require reliable, continuous and precise navigation, positioning and timing information for their successful operation and implantation in the market.

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is the main source of global positioning data, and this dependence can only but grow in the future. Such a trend motivates the tremendous effort which has been devoted to improve standard GNSS solutions in a plethora of applications in order to counteract the main vulnerabilities of the system. Within the seamless, anywhere, anytime navigation context, collaborative/cooperative positioning/navigation is the cutting-edge research field of interest in this Special Session.

Collaborative strategies have been used as an effective way to compensate the weaknesses of standalone navigation solutions in robotics and multi-agent systems for several years. In the last decade similar concepts and approaches have been extended to GNSS by sharing complementary data within a swarm of GNSS receivers to boost accuracy and precision, and/or to increase reliability and availability of the service.

Different communication technologies can be considered to carry out this task such as Direct Short Range Communication, cellular networks (e.g., LTE or 5G), IEEE 802.11x wireless connectivity, or dedicated infrastructure as alternative ranging such as IR-UWB. On top of these network infrastructures, one can consider for instance centralized/distributed estimation solutions or collaborative navigation based on the exchange of raw GNSS measurements (DGNSS-like) among possible approaches to networked GNSS receivers.

Alternatively, cooperative solutions can rely on the exchange of data obtained through exteroceptive sensors such as UWB, ultrasound, Lidar and cameras, used as standalone navigation systems or coupled with GNSS to improve localization, positioning and navigation performance. Such alternative sources of information are key players in GNSS-denied environments.

Experts in the navigation, robotics and signal processing fields are invited to submit their contributions to this Special Session on the following:

  • Innovative GNSS-based or sensor-based algorithms, performance analysis and novel applications
  • Implementations within the paradigm of networked receivers for collaborative positioning
  • Use of collaboration and data-sharing in harsh propagation conditions, GNSS-denied contexts or under radio threats (jamming, spoofing), and/or High-sensitivity, resilient solutions
  • In case of doubts, do not hesitate to ask for clarifications by replying to this discussion or contacting the session proposers.

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