You might be interested in the article, "Why Are There So Few Perovskite Ferroelectrics?" by Benedek & Fennie, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117 (26), pp 13339–13349, DOI: 10.1021/jp402046t
[A] Find below tha names of over 15 perovskites along with the use/s to which they can put in
1.BaTiO3 [Multilayer capacitor/ PTC Thermistor].
2.ZrYO3 [Piezoelectric Transducer].
3. (Pb, La) (Zr,Ti)O3[Electo-Optical modulator].
4. LiNbO3 [Switch].
5. BaZrO3[ Deilectric resonator].
6. BaRuO3[Thick film resistor].
7. Pb(Mg,Nb)O3[ Electo restrictive actuator].
8.Ba(Pb,Bi)O3 layered cuprates[Superconductor].
9.GdFeO3[ Magnetic bubble memory].
10.YAlO3[ Laser host].
12.LaCoO3[Refractory electrode].
13.KNbO3[ Second harmonic generator].
[B] Their spontaneous polarization is explained as followws:
At high temperature, the primitive perovoskites are symmetric FCC and do not show any
Electric polarity (called paraelectric phase). As the temperature is decreased, it SHRINKS and loses the regular FCC structure. This brings about strain in the distorted structure ,i.e. is elongated in one direction to become tetragonal(in fact it is orthorhombic tetragonal).The strain is called spontaneous strain (Ss) which is accompanied by the movement of O(-2) ions. The electron cloud which was uniformally spread over in the regular FCC is now no longer uniform. At some time, it gets conentrated at one place to make this site delta negative and simultaneously some other site becomes delta positive (law of compensation) and there comes the polarity in the perovoskite molecule at low temperatures which disappers at higher temperatures. So at low temperature there exists a polarization phase while at higher temperature , the phase is called paraelectric phase. This transition temperature between the polarization phase and paraelectric phase is called CURIE’S TEMPERATURE which has different values for different perovoskites. For example, its value is 130C for BT (BaTiO3).
It may kindly be noted that Curie’s temperature is highly dependent on the size of NPs and hence it will not be possible to know their exact values. Further, the spontaneous polarization will vary with the Curie’s temperature so they are also not expected to have the exact values of polarization. Lest there remains some doubt in your mind, I am giving the reference of a paper where in the effect of size on Curie’s temperature is discussed:
Of course, I could find two more values of Curie’s temperatures as:
Journal of Nanoparticle Research (2007) 9:595-603
It starts with the name:
Size and interface effects on Curie temperature on perovskites ferroelectric nanosolids.
X.Y. Lang, Q. Jiang
Let me further add that X.Y.Lang is also a member of RG and the abstract for this paper has already been uploaded.