Dear researchers and practitioners,

referring to the above mentioned question, I would like to know how we suppose to run RI approach in SmartPLS 3.2.7. in my model all my constructs (exogenous variables) are reflective reflective. moreover one of the construct in my model has sub-dimensions (3 sub-dimensions) and in article it has been run as a reflective order.

I would be very grateful if some one guides me step by step how we can run it in SmartPLS. Because I spoken to few people they have different interpretations regarding running the RI model in SmartPLS. some said measurement model will be run twice. one as a whole model and second time with only with only second order i.e. that is with only main construct. even some said before running measurement model one need to calculate CR and AVE manually in excel? while other said in the new version such as SmartPLS 3.2.7 or 3.2.8 it calculate for us. we do not need to do that. is it true?

The problem is that the more you ask the more you get confused. I would greatly appreciate if someone guide me on this issue.

Thank you in advance. Have a blessed day ahead

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